If you're on the Sebago Yahoo group, you probably saw the following announcement from Phil, posted at 8:45 AM:
It looks like the weather will hold BUT EVEN IF IT RAINS, I need 3-4 people
between noon and 2pm to help me UNLOAD roof from truck RAIN OR SHINE
So if you where planning on anly coming for a couple of hours, please do it then
Well, it's a good thing it didn't rain & there were close to 20 people there, because the truck was WAY too big to come onto the grounds, there were a LOT of pieces & some of the heavier components (the pieces that will anchor the roof to the top of the container) took 4 or 5 people alone. As it was, with all hands on deck, we made pretty quick work of the task. Ever watch ants moving something to the hill? Well, that's exactly what we did, back & forth until we had everything put away.
Chris had his camera & got some great pictures of the whole process & has put up a very entertaining gallery of the whole process (plus a few more of the other jobs we worked on. Check it out!
And don't forget - now we need to put it up! What a great chance to work off your work obligation early in the season! Here's Phil again:
We will begin to erect our new roof starting Saturday. We will start slow but
sure and continue on Sunday. AND EVERY WEEKEND UNTIL MAY 23 unless we get it
done sooner.
We need a minimu of 6 people at EVERY workday to physically put up the roof.
If anyones has acces to old plywood, PLEASE let me know ASAP. We need 8' x50'
put down to roll scaffold on.